Coffee with BioHPC - Integrating AlphaFold3 for Advanced Biomolecular Research
Topic: Integrating Alphafold3 with Astrocyte for Advanced Biomolecular Research
Speaker : Dr. Xin Yang
Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10:30 AM
Location: ND11.218 or join online via Microsoft Teams
Coffee with BioHPC - Lab Data Management: A User Perspective
Topic: Lab Data Management: A User Perspective
Speaker : Dr. Gaudenz Danuser
Date & Time: Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 10:30 AM
Location: ND11.218 or join online via Microsoft Teams

Coffee with BioHPC -Optimizing BioHPC resources, GPUs and managing costs
Topic: Managing BioHPC resources
Speaker: Gaudenz Danuser, Liqiang Wang
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: ND.11.218 and Microsoft Teams
Coffee with BioHPC - Upgrading to RHEL8: Enhancing Security and Performance for BioHPC
Topic: Upgrading to RHEL8: Enhancing Security and Performance for BioHPC
Speaker: Liqiang Wang
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 25th, 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: G9.102 (In person) and Microsoft Teams
CryoEM Resources on the BioHPC Platform.
Topics and Speakers:
An Introduction to Modern CryoEM: Data Collection is Only the Beginning!
Speaker: Daniel Stoddard
CryoEM Data Transfer and Storage on BioHPC
Speaker: Hung Le
BioHPC Collaboration on Structural Biology
Speaker: Abash Sharma
SBGrid on BioHPC
Speaker: Suresh Pannerselvam

Coffee with BioHPC : Workflows in Astrocyte
Topic : Introduction to Single Cell Analysis Workflows
Speaker : John Lafin, PhD
Topic: ATAC-seq Workflow Development
Speakers : Achisha Saikia, M.S. , Felix Perez , M.S.

Coffee with BioHPC
Explore Generative AI, Astrocyte's VizApp, Ray, and More!
Presenter: BioHPC team

Coffee with BioHPC
Exploring flywheel.io for Radiology Research and AI
Speaker: Matthew Lewis, PhD
Assistant Professor

Coffee with BioHPC
Deploying Large Language Models in the Wild
Speaker: Andrew Jamieson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Lyda Hill Department of Bioinformatics